Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Boycott Beijing 2008

As a condition of being granted the 2008 summer games, China promised the IOC and the International community that it would make positive changes in its human rights record. As soon as it was awarded the games, China turned its back on those promises and began to crack down even harder on what it considers […]

Harper’s Environmental Hypocracy

With recent polls showing that the environment is now the number one concern of Canadians, Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper has been changing his tune lately. In his recent budget speech, he vowed to tackle major industrial polluters and bring in regulations for vehicle emissions by 2011. Forget for a moment that this is the […]

Environment Tops Security and Health

I found a bit of good news in the newspaper this morning. In a recent survey conducted by the Globe & Mail and CTV News, the environment has passed health care as Canadians’ number one priority and the numbers are rising quickly. The poll also found that 20 percent of Canadians are likely to vote […]

Bush Lifts Alaskan Drilling Ban

It is a sad day for Alaskan wildlife. On Tuesday, President Bush lifted the last remaining drilling ban for Alaska’s Bristol Bay. The 5.6 million acre area has been off limits since 1989. Bush has done this while Congress attempts to put new bans in place, but he will probably just ignore those with another […]

The Green Party of Ontario

The Green Party of Ontario (Burlington) will be hosting an Information Night and Constituency Assembly (riding association) Founding Meeting at the Burlington Central Public Library, New Street on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:30pm. Guest speakers will provide an explanation of the Green Party’s philosophy and Key Values. Hear what the provincial Green Party is doing […]