The Cost of Cows

CowJuliette bought me the wagamama cookbook for Christmas this year. For North Americans who have never eaten at a wagamama restaurant, let me just say that the food is absolutely amazing. It is one of the things that I miss most about England. As I was checking out the great recipes in the book and remembering the great food, I actually considered adding a bit of meat back into my diet.

Luckily, I found a quote today that made me re-evaluate why I gave up meat. I always knew that producing meat is resource intensive, but I never realized just how intensive.

It takes 8 acres of land, 12,000 pounds of forage, 125 gallons of gasoline & other petroleum derivatives for fertilizer, 2,500 pounds of corn, 350 pounds of soybeans, 1.2 million gallons of water & 1.5 acres of farmland (to grow the crops for feed), plus various insecticides, herbicides, antibiotics & hormones to grow one cow from an 80 pound calf to its full size.

I guess I am just going to have to get creative with the recipes and come up with some vegetarian goyoza.

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