Pimms on the Playa

After the protest (which was one of the most fun things I have done so far), we all rolled back into camp and sat around the van whilst Glen made us his Mexican Pizza’s for lunch. He is a good guy to know, he loves to cook and he does wonderful things with pizza sauce!

After lunch we were joined by a few other people and the early afternoon became late afternoon. We cracked open the Pimms and introduced our neighbours to the joys of Pimms on the lawn (or, in this case, the Playa). We also finally found the right occasion to break open the smoked salmon that we received at Xmas time, all very civilised.

Sarah (in the cute little van covered in stickers across the way from us) had brought a big box of clothes she had picked up in yard sales and we all started to get ready for the big burn. Rob’s little yellow number was the perfect compliment to his desert boots and afro wig and I found sequins!! After many, many photo sessions we all rolled off to witness the big burn.

The atmosphere around the man was amazing, everytime the man moved or there was a change in the lighting, the crowd roared. The sound of drums was everywhere and we could feel the intense heat from the fire dancers who had collected in a huge circle in front of the man. He went up in a huge round of fireworks, creating a dust and fire tornado that spun around the playa in front of the crowd. Everyone was giving out glow sticks, flashing necklaces and passing around bottles.

We lost everyone apart from Carly and her friend from Vancouver and headed off to a huge bar on wheels that was rumoured to be serving good sangria. We weren’t disappointed as we sat surveyng the madness going on around us whilst we sipped sangria and listened to jazz music that was being played at the front of the bar as we cruised around the Playa.

Once again our grand intentions to stay out all night fell a little short of the mark and Rob and I were tucked up in bed by 1.30am.

It is very quiet this morning, there a few seriously bleary eyed souls wondering around and a lot of people packing up and moving out.

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