What is the World Coming Too?

I hope that an article in yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer is not indicative of how low humanity is sinking, but today’s reports of five women killed by a serial murderer in England this week doesn’t help.

The Inquirer article is about the trial of Tyrone Spellman who ‘snapped’ and killed his 17 month old daughter when she pulled the plug on his XBox and he thought she had broken it. He said,

She pulled the cord and the whole game console fell over, I thought it was broken. I popped her in the face. I picked her up and tossed her in a chair.

I guess we shouldn’t let things like this drain our hope. Every day I see many acts of compassion and good-will, but things like this always make me wonder. Sorry to be a bit of a downer today, but this story made me sad when I read it.

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