Archive for the 'Environment' Category

Ecological Footprint

With the changing weather, people are becoming more serious about global warming and the environment. Many of us are thinking about how we are going to leave this planet to the next generation and are wondering just how much impact we are having. There are several online environmental calculators available. One that may shock you […]

Bush Lifts Alaskan Drilling Ban

It is a sad day for Alaskan wildlife. On Tuesday, President Bush lifted the last remaining drilling ban for Alaska’s Bristol Bay. The 5.6 million acre area has been off limits since 1989. Bush has done this while Congress attempts to put new bans in place, but he will probably just ignore those with another […]

The Green Party of Ontario

The Green Party of Ontario (Burlington) will be hosting an Information Night and Constituency Assembly (riding association) Founding Meeting at the Burlington Central Public Library, New Street on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:30pm. Guest speakers will provide an explanation of the Green Party’s philosophy and Key Values. Hear what the provincial Green Party is doing […]

The Science of Global Warming

Juliette and I were visiting family today and were discussing Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth and the summer like weather we are getting in Canada right now. My aunt asked if we thought the weather was a result of global warming and then went on to talk about how there was so much controversy […]

Zombie Chickens

Most of the time we don’t think about where our food comes from, but recent sightings of zombie chickens has caused people to start thinking about where their eggs come from and how much cruelty is involved. Farmers used to send ‘spent hens’ to slaughter-houses to be rendered, but a recent collapse in the market […]