Author Archive

Roo Rests

The name Roo has stuck and I think it has become official. He has really been coming out of his shell over the past couple of days and is developing a personality all his own. He likes to jump up and down on his front paws when he wants to play and loves to snuggle, […]

The Arrival of Roo

Sunday, I returned from a week mountain biking in Vermont to find a new member of our family, Roo. Saturday, Juliette flew to South Carolina and back to pick up a little brother for Daisy. Now I am the father of two crazy hairless terriers. My first meeting with Roo was after a very long […]

Bike Tour of Andalucía, Spain

It took me a month, but I have finally finished typing in all of my journals from our Spain trip. Over two weeks, we covered 786 km and saw three countries. Our friend’s Jennie & Rich joined us for the first half of the trip and Mari & Dave were there for the whole long […]

Malaga to Toronto via Paris

I am posting my journals backdated to the day I wrote them, so read from bottom up if you have just arrived. Keep checking back, I have two weeks of journals to upload. Up at 4 am, taxis to the airport and we are on our way home. It has been a wonderful trip and […]

Tarifa to Malaga

I am posting my journals backdated to the day I wrote them, so read from bottom up if you have just arrived. Keep checking back, I have two weeks of journals to upload. After a leisurely breakfast at the café Azul, we packed our bags and began driving back towards Malaga. We dropped the bikes, […]