Archive for the 'News' Category

Wine to Go

Australia’s Hardy Wine company has introduced a one serving wine bottle with a detachable plastic wine glass. They call it the Shuttle and say that it will redefine the way people will drink their wine. You will be able to choose between Shiraz and Chardonnay packaged in a single serve acrylic wine bottle sealed by […]

What is the World Coming Too?

I hope that an article in yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer is not indicative of how low humanity is sinking, but today’s reports of five women killed by a serial murderer in England this week doesn’t help. The Inquirer article is about the trial of Tyrone Spellman who ‘snapped’ and killed his 17 month old daughter when […]

Instability in the Middle East

I read an interesting article in the Sunday Telegraph today that made me even more pessimistic about the prospects for peace in the Middle East. As most people know, I am a strong opponent of the war in Iraq and I feel strongly that it has, and will continue to, destabilize the region. The article […]

Router Issues

We had a router failure this morning, so the server has been offline all day.  Normally when this happens, I just need to reboot our wireless router and everything is fine again, so I did that and headed off to work.  Then, much to my dismay as I sat down to my morning coffee, I […]

Classic Climbs

I have finally revived a section of the website entitled Classic Climbs. I created this site in 1997, but I stopped updating it in 1999 and eventually I stopped linking to it because it was looking so out of date and no longer fit with the rest of the site. Climbing at the Gunks last […]